Welcome to the show notes for the Martin episode of Season 1 of Café Nervosa. We hope you enjoy the podcast!
Podcast Episode Synopsis: We get into what makes Martin and his duct tape-covered recliner so great
First up, Martin is awesome and when he gets under Frasier’s skin is when we get to see Frasier as more of a human.
Martin’s chair is so important to the show. We’ll probably keep talking about this for most of the podcast.
Martin believes that sex is something between you and the person you’re doing it to. This line will always crack me up.
When Martin is vulnerable he shows us that he is the true heart of the show.
More fun factos!! John Mahoney would have been 15 years old when he had Kelsey Grammer. So they sometimes age dudes up, too. Who knew?!
Let’s talk male clarinetists, guys. Acker Bilk, anyone? What a dreamboat! [Editor’s Note: ?]. Who wouldn’t want to be in his company?
Episodes to Check Out
“Travels with Martin” and “Dinner at Eight”
The “one trip only please” waitress is my personal hero.
Taryn’s Patented Lilith Count
A disgraceful none. We’ll try harder next time.