look before you leap

Residuum – Season 3

Podcast Episode Synopsis: We mostly talk about our favourite ladies from this season and then embarrass ourselves for your entertainment (we hope!).

I’m glad Lauren gets to talk more about Bebe Glaser. She is definitely an underrated character in the show and Lauren has a very impressive way of highlighting her that I very much appreciate.

Bebe Glaser takes a huge breath of smoky air from her bag that is on fire.

I think we maybe have talked about “It’s Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won’t Leave” almost as much as we have talked about “Look Before You Leap”. And I love that we get a glimpse of Kate as a Horse Woman.

Kate Costas beams at Frasier
Kate, likely thinking about jogging. Season 3, Episode 10

Did you think you would get out of here without us gushing about Roz? That was silly of you. You can hear in this clip that she is key to Frasier’s success on the radio and her no nonsense approach is able to cut through Frasier’s crap and produce a quality program. His ideals are no match for her know-how.

And just you wait, you thought you would also get out of here without more talk about “Look Before You Leap”? Silly you. The set up for this episode is classic peak Frasier. Everyone in the scene gets swept up in Frasier’s rhetoric, including Frasier himself. A note about Daphne’s haircut: it is nothing like Princess Diana’s!? I get wanting to look like her and I get that this is supposed to be a ridiculous haircut she gets, but you have to actually cut your long hair if you want to try to get the Di.

Frasier holds up two hands to convince people to do something.
This is the face of a man you can trust. Season 3, Episode 16

Episodes to Check Out

“Look Before You Leap” and “Martin Does it His Way”

What would a podcast in 2020 be without acknowledging that “things have been weird”? And with that, thank you for listening and we will see you next season. To quote Frasier “Goodnight everybody, we love you”.

Writing – Season 3

Podcast Episode Synopsis: Flashbacks, a pom kapoose, and smoking, oh my.

This flashback episode is really elegantly executed. The writers do a really good job of reminding us where Frasier was three seasons ago and showing how important those relationships that we have learned to love are and how far they have come. Also, a nod to the actors who are able to get back into older versions of their characters quite seamlessly.

I love professor Lauren. She is super smart and great. And you know what else I love? “Look Before You Leap.” It’s a truly wonderful episode. I wish I could always be watching it. Something we never really discuss about this episode is that Daphne’s haircut is just her hair blown up like Roz’s in “The Innkeepers,” it’s not a haircut at all.

I am very glad we got to get into the “Buttons and Bows” of it all. I truly never knew any of these things before looking into this. I think The Paleface needs to be thrown into the sea.

Fraiser performing "Buttons and Bows"
“…and blow my nose, I’m all yours in buttons and bows”

Ah, intertitles. They are great, and very hard to talk about. But I thank Lauren for putting up with my game and wildly guessing at plots of things. She is a real sport.

A black intertitle card with white text reads "Huh?"
An intertitle from “Look Before You Leap”, Season 3, Episode 16

I think we all could use a spinoff of the life of Bebe and Big Willy, if he had lived. But really, don’t smoke, no matter how well Bebe sells it.

Bebe Glazer gives her smoking speech
The GREAT Harriet Sansom Harris. Season 3, Episode 21.

Episodes to check out

“Look Before You Leap” and “Where There’s Smoke There’s Fired”

Season 3 – Trailer

It’s finally time! Season 3 of the Café Nervosa podcast is on its way. Look for a whole new set of episodes about NBC’s hit sitcom Frasier in your feeds next week (January 17, 2021). Get pumped for the season by starting your season 3 rewatch now. We’d recommend such classics as “Moon Dance”, “A Word to the Wiseguy”, “It’s Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won’t Leave”, and OF COURSE “Look Before You Leap”. Frasier is available to stream on Peacock in the USA and on CraveTV in Canada. Happy Frasier-ing!

Frasier and Niles sit at the piano.