the innkeepers

Writing – Season 3

Podcast Episode Synopsis: Flashbacks, a pom kapoose, and smoking, oh my.

This flashback episode is really elegantly executed. The writers do a really good job of reminding us where Frasier was three seasons ago and showing how important those relationships that we have learned to love are and how far they have come. Also, a nod to the actors who are able to get back into older versions of their characters quite seamlessly.

I love professor Lauren. She is super smart and great. And you know what else I love? “Look Before You Leap.” It’s a truly wonderful episode. I wish I could always be watching it. Something we never really discuss about this episode is that Daphne’s haircut is just her hair blown up like Roz’s in “The Innkeepers,” it’s not a haircut at all.

I am very glad we got to get into the “Buttons and Bows” of it all. I truly never knew any of these things before looking into this. I think The Paleface needs to be thrown into the sea.

Fraiser performing "Buttons and Bows"
“…and blow my nose, I’m all yours in buttons and bows”

Ah, intertitles. They are great, and very hard to talk about. But I thank Lauren for putting up with my game and wildly guessing at plots of things. She is a real sport.

A black intertitle card with white text reads "Huh?"
An intertitle from “Look Before You Leap”, Season 3, Episode 16

I think we all could use a spinoff of the life of Bebe and Big Willy, if he had lived. But really, don’t smoke, no matter how well Bebe sells it.

Bebe Glazer gives her smoking speech
The GREAT Harriet Sansom Harris. Season 3, Episode 21.

Episodes to check out

“Look Before You Leap” and “Where There’s Smoke There’s Fired”

Roz – Season 2

Welcome to the show notes for the Roz episode of Season 2 of Café Nervosa. We hope you enjoy the podcast!

Podcast Episode Synopsis: We get to talk about our fave person, Roz Doyle, so who cares about the specifics, it’s a great episode.

It’s the most wonderful time of the podcast! Roz is the show we really want to be watching, and so this is our fave podcast episode to make each season.

Lauren loves a good Roz gaslight. As she should. It’s a great way for Frasier to kick off its second season.

We ignore the crappiness of the episode “Roz in the Doghouse” (don’t worry, we’ll get to it) and talk about how great Roz is in this episode. As always, she does not give a fig about what you think about her. She believes in herself and will be the first person to stand up for herself. This is a woman that we should all aspire to be.

Watching Roz and Niles go head to head is always enjoyable and we are thankful that the writers of the show have picked up on their chemistry and are running with it. I think a letter writing campaign to give Peri Gilpin a retroactive Emmy for her performance in Frasier is in order. Who’s with me?

It’s not about Roz, but Frasier yelling “well blow me down” is one of my favourite line readings this season. Back to Roz! Her meeting Sam Malone is a really special. She is the Sam Malone of this show, and you can see how that is when they meet. And again, Peri Gilpin fully stands up to the formidable talents of a much more lauded actor. We apologize to ladies everywhere for constantly undervaluing them. Also for double standards.

It’s sort of shocking that we don’t talk more about Roz getting blown up by cherries jubilee, because we really love it a lot.

Episodes to Check Out

“The Show Where Sam Shows Up” and “The Innkeepers”

Taryn’s Patented Lilith Count

0, and we recognize that is a bummer because what a fearless team Roz and Lilith would be.

Siblings – Season 2

Welcome to the show notes for the Siblings episode of Season 2 of Café Nervosa. We hope you enjoy the podcast!

Podcast Episode Synopsis: A couple of siblings discuss how awesome these psychiatrist siblings are.

We start off talking about how Niles and Frasier have to one up each other and how it fuels the farcical nature of the show. We are not petty people, nor do we often enjoy petty people, but these Cranes make it oh so enjoyable. “The Innkeepers” and “The Club” are really stellar episodes to highlight how these two men, who so often have each other’s backs, are willing to turn on each other. Thankfully these petty squabbles never take away from the awesome base of their relationship.

I take a turn and talk about how great Niles and Frasier are as supportive, loving brothers who just want to see each other be the best version of themselves. It’s rare to see characters like this take so much stock in what the other has to say and take steps to change their behaviour. Kudos show for showing that growing as a human is a great thing to do.

Also a great thing to do: go to the spa! No matter who you are! Niles and Frasier support each other in their love of comfort and pampering despite what the world tells them. And spoiler alert: the world tells them that they should not enjoy things like spa treatments because they are dudes and that is full on malarky.

I think we can all agree that the younger sibling is often the more put upon one. And I await your fan mail to tell me how stalwart I have been being Lauren’s younger sister for these 32 years. [Ed’s note: Copernicus called, and you are not the centre of the universe!]

Episodes to Check Out

“The Innkeepers” and “Breaking the Ice”

Taryn’s Patented Lilith Count

0. Sad trombone.