Welcome to the show notes for the Sexuality episode of Season 1 of Café Nervosa. We hope you enjoy the podcast!
Podcast Episode Synopsis: Taking a page from Frasier we openly talk about sex (more how the show talks about sex).
Frasier often almost gets to sleep with a beautiful woman but something gets in the way. While models as prizes is not a great thing, Lauren likes when Frasier is not rewarded in this way.
I love talking about Martin knocking boots. The show talks about it with such care and thoughtfulness, I really appreciate it. I am here for normalizing sexuality especially in a show that isn’t focused on older people.
Oh, Maris. It sucks that she is presented as a sexually frigid woman, because it’s a cheap shot and reinforces the notion that men are owed sex [Editor’s note: PREACH]. But her existence leads to a very open conversation between Frasier, Niles, and Martin about role playing, which we are here for.
Roz, Roz, Roz! We have a whole episode about Roz but we HAVE to talk about her in a show about sex. She is open and confident. Let’s have more women in the world and on TV like her, shall we?
Episodes to Check Out
“Can’t Buy Me Love” and “The Show Where Lilith Comes Back”
Taryn’s Patented Lilith Count
We name her six times. God bless Lilith.